The words nerd, jock, prep or emo probably ring a bell if you’ve ever been in high school. Based on their interests, teenagers have a habit of categorizing themselves into groups whose members are assumed to have the exact same personality.
Someone with a strong interest in sports will be automatically labeled a “jock,” for example. This term carries much more meaning than simply being athletic. People will usually assume a jock is male and somewhat popular, a spoiled teenager who cares about little besides sports and his girlfriends. A jock is not thought to be very intelligent, and the less athletic students will reassure themselves thinking that “he’ll never amount to much.”
The girl version of the jock is the “prep,” the popular high school girl who can also be labeled as queen bee sometimes. Like the jock, when someone calls a girl a “prep” he means that besides being interested in fashion, sports and parties, this girl is somewhat of an airhead. She’s thought to have always been spoiled and have nothing to worry about. She has developed somewhat of a mean streak as a consequence. The prep has nothing to think about but lip gloss and boys, and she’s thought to be very superficial. Despite that, she is one of the most popular girls in her school, just like the jock.
On the opposite, someone who gets good grades and does well in school will be considered a nerd. Nerds are thought to be little know-it-all’s who are usually pretty unpopular, and most definitely socially awkward. They can be both male and female and in both situations their company is not considered very desirable.
Some more recent stereotypes include the emo, the geek or the tomboy. Emo stands for emotionals and represents a small group of people who dress in black, often feel depressed and are also thought to cut their wrists. Though a social group of “emos” does exist, just because someone likes to wear black eyeshadow doesn’t mean that person is always unhappy. A geek is someone who is strongly into new technologies, and even more socially awkward than the nerd; a teenager called a geek has a lot of computer knowledge and supposedly no social life. A tomboy is a girl who enjoys the company of boys and will often wear her hair short or dress in baggy clothing. While tomboy is not necessarily a bad term, a boy who likes the company of girls will on the other side be deemed “gay,” implying he is homosexual.
Where did these stereotypes originate from? While some athletic boys might really match every single characteristic of the jock, many of them simply like sports. Those who get good grades in school are sometimes a little socially awkward, but for every true nerd there is a confident, outgoing teenager who also care about his or her grades.
Stereotypes might have some truth in them, but they are highly exaggerated in the culture teenagers are exposed to. Pick up any typical teenage movie and you’ll be able to categorize every character into a category. The hero will usually be someone average, bright but not very popular; he or she will have one or two sidekicks with large glasses and a terrible sense of clothing, the awkward “nerds” and “wannabes.” A popular jock or prep, good looking but cruel, will usually be the enemy of the hero. This person will however turn out to have a nice, distraught side and be redeemed in the final minutes of the movie.
Making people believe that anyone who is into sports must necessarily be a little thick, or that someone who spends a lot of time thinking about what they should wear is an airhead, can have very negative consequences. Here is what some teenagers faced because of stereotypes.
Parents are everything during childhood, but suddenly at adolescence your friends and your social life become more important. It’s a period of insecurity for many of us, and stereotypes may seem like they help us feel more confident. If you see a girl who pays attention to her clothes, assuming that she is a superficial person is less time consuming and more reassuring than actually having to go talk to her.
What if you miss the opportunity to become friends with a great person because of this? Stereotypes force you to fit into a mold someone else created for you. If others tell you students with good grades aren’t “supposed” to enjoy partying and hanging out with friends, you don’t need to listen to them. Teenagers make their own stereotypes, and it’s up to us to destroy them. Next time you see someone who likes computers, for example, don’t automatically assume this person has no social life and is utterly boring. For every teenager that entirely fits a stereotype, there are a thousand that don’t fit any at all.
I asked two people, Elise and Ha Young, to comment on my script. Here is the advice they gave me:
I really like it. The people who are listening tot this will have a greater understanding of stereotyping and maybe they will think more about this the next time they see a new person. I’m looking forward to see the interviews because I think they’ll make this podcast even better. Also, that Sonya is speaking at the end makes it a really good conclusion, and will also make the people think more about this.
Overall really well and interesting
I really enjoyed reading your script! It has a lot of those ‘stereotypes’ information, and some of them are really funny. I would like to read your script, or even listen to your podcast after you included the interviews. I’m curious that if Sonya is one of the people that you are going to interview. Anyways, you have strong points that are against those stereotypes, which I liked it Good job! I think people would be able to think differently about those stereotypes after they listen to your podcast.