Monday, November 2, 2009

"Wild at Heart, and Seventeen"

When I started reading this entire article, I was surprised by how different teenagers' lives were in New York than from those I know. I've always lived abroad, so I guess I've never really seen how that might differ from a "normal teenager." Because of that, I had quite a hard time relating to most of these teens, but after a while I realized there were a few things I had in common with all of them.

I can’t even express how many of my weekends are filled just with me in front of
the computer typing away on English and history essays. Last year I got really
freaked out because junior year apparently is really important for college. So I
told myself if I just work really hard and don’t go out as much, then I won’t
regret it later when I get into a good college. So that’s basically what my
policy has been this past year.
Sometimes it really feels to me like college is getting closer and closer. I realized a few days ago that the current seniors were the 10th graders when I first came to Mongolia - just like I am now. That really made the end of year seem sooner, and every once in a while I decide that I should entirely focus on my education. This girl really reminded me of that.
I think we all know the sort of sheltered environment we live in. We know that
we’re in this wealthy little bubble, but that there’s so much poverty. Last
month, I went to India with nine other people from Brearley for three weeks, and
that really drove the point home.

I think she really said this well. It's always strange going to this expensive, privileged international school and then walking home and seeing the rest of the country is so different. It was interesting to see that she felt this way too, even though she actually lives in America.

After that, I read another story and once again the girl lived in a completely different context. She was super busy, all the time, which she both liked and disliked. I guess I can identify to her pretty well too.

I take on so much and I have no time for myself. I do it on purpose. I love it and I hate it. If I’m not busy, I complain that I’m bored, but when I am busy, it’s like, oh, my God. And honestly, even though I do really well in school — I like getting good grades, I love it — but it’s more of a competitive thing for me. It’s nice to get good grades and stuff, but I have so much I want to do.
If there's one thing that is evenly shared, it's definitely time. Try as you may, everyone on this planet only has 24 hours a day and so many things to do! I change interests all the time, always find myself not being able to do all of the things I want to do, so I can really relate to this girl.

Pak, Catherine. "We're always talking about how we have so much love to give, but no one to give it to." New York Times. 16 Sep 07. 03 Nov 09 < _r="1">.

Thomas, Adenike. "If I'm Not Busy, I'll Complain That I'm Bored, But If I'm Busy, It's Like, Oh My God." New York Times. 16 Sep 07. 03 Nov 09 <>

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