Monday, November 30, 2009

Test of my final podcast

One of the most basic tests I could use for a podcast would be to simply ask various people to review my product, but one problem you often encounter with this is the reviewers simply saying "It's good" or "I like it, great job!" without always giving appropriate feedback.

For my own test, I want to evaluate how many different teenagers and other age groups think my podcast reflects their own lifestyle. I will ask a number of people to make a list of what they would expect to see in a podcast about adolescence. I will then make them listen to my podcast and check off the number of things they expected to see that they actually found in the program. This should hopefully give me a good idea of how accurately my podcast reflects teenager life in general, not simply mine.

I will then ask 3 more people to rate my podcast from 1 to 5 (1 being lowest) on a number of criteria: interest of the general themes talked about in my podcast, quality of the script (is it interesting? does it keep your interest), intonation, sound quality, and an overall mark. This will give me more ideas on how specifically I could've improved my podcast.

I also plan to put my podcast on the internet. Though I will not use that as a formal indicator, I believe one aspect of this test would be to see if anyone commented on the podcast or had anything to say. This would mean my topic is interesting to at least one person, so the presence of comments will also be something I will be looking for.

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